Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Diablo Cody on Letterman

Got this from AwardsDaily.

I just fell in much as one can with an on camera persona one has never met....ya. I love her.

She is what she is, and that says A LOT in Hollywood. Also, she is genuinely funny...not just "toil over a script to make it funny" but actually funny. You can see Juno radiating from her and that is what makes her writing natural and just plain brilliant. So many writers are afraid to put themselves in their work because if no one likes my psuedo-autobiographical then that means that they don't like me! (Insert Self Esteem issue here) As a result, most writers end up writing superficial surface level screenplays that lack heart and soul.

I think we will see amazing things from her. Can't wait!

Watch out for Juno to upset for a Best Picture win. No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood could split votes and Juno could go home with a statue...let's hope! Juno has a disturbingly impressive box office showing, with no signs of stopping, and Juno could win 3 of its 4 nods. Sorry Mr. Reitman, it's not happening.

You guys think Juno has a chance?

Later Players.

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